Brighton and Hove 10:10
Have you heard about Brighton and Hove 10:10? It is a two-year project which is funded by the council and run by the Brighton Peace and Environment Centre (BPEC), supported by the Brighton and Hove 10:10 team.
The key aim of the project is to change behaviours in relation to climate change in four community groups, and also within the council. A communications strategy will run alongside the project which will disseminate real-time results, generate case studies, and general learnings from the project. Year two (2015) will see the project activity spread out to the wider business audience and other community groups, taking into considerations the results from the previous year.
In a bit more detail, the project comprises a series of workshop-based programmes that help participants address all aspects of their lives in relation to climate change with the ultimate goal of cutting carbon emissions. Topics range from transport, home energy use, food choices and so forth. The business strand will be targeted at some of the council’s internal teams and will use broadly the same approach to encourage staff to reduce emissions in the workplace. Neither project strands are a “switch off your computer and lights” type programme – they seek to change existing behaviours in a more fundamental and sustainable way!
We are proud to take part in this project. Our contribution and involvement is going to be providing ‘whole house’ education visits (with James Cordner, our Renewables Manager) to a select demographic of Brighton and Hove residents. The first and second cluster of visits are taking place in October and November this year, with further sessions planned for early 2015.
For more information on this project, have a look at the website here: